Manage RMF Device Licenses.
Last updated
Manage RMF Device Licenses.
Last updated
The License block allows users to manage RMF licenses across devices.
You can select the License block to:
Assign Licenses: Allocate RMF licenses to new devices.
Release Licenses: Free up RMF licenses from the devices that are no longer in use or need reassignment.
Note: Device licenses are manually assignable only in the Back-Up mode. Devices are auto-licensed in the Restore mode if present on a secondary recorder and absent from the corresponding primary recorder if the mapping is one-to-one and if licenses are available.
Complete Storage Linking.
Perform the following steps to assign licenses:
Click the License block.
Step Result: The confirmatory dialog box appears. Select Refresh to log in and retrieve the latest device list, or choose Cache to continue configuration with the previously fetched device list. The Cache option saves time at large installations.
a. If Refresh is chosen for an Independent architecture, the following screen appears:
Note: You must log in with administrator privileges.
Simply click Connect at the bottom right corner of the screen to continue.
b. If Refresh is chosen in a Federated/Single Site, the following screen appears:
Note: If your XProtect architecture is Federated, log in to the Parent Management Server.
Click Connect at the bottom right corner of the screen to continue.
Step Result: The License screen appears. It lists all devices available on the Primary server. The total number of RMF licenses purchased for the current Milestone Software License Code is the total license count.
Note: Hover over a camera to display the associated primary and secondary recorders where the camera is available.
Note: If a camera is available on more than one recorder in the primary and/or secondary or is not available in any device group, it will be grayed out, and a license cannot be assigned to it.
Select devices on the Primary site to assign licenses. Click the Help icon for additional information.
The following are some license tasks that can be performed.
Assign License if Available
Do not Assign a License
Retain license
Release license
The camera name in black font denotes that it is unlicensed. Select the device check box to assign licenses to it.
Clearing the check box for a device shown in a black font will keep it unlicensed.
Note: The black font next to the check box denotes that the device is unlicensed.
Maintaining a checked box for a device whose name is displayed in green font will keep the device licensed.
Note: The green color font denotes that the device is currently licensed.
To release the license of an already licensed camera, clear its check box.
Note: Green font indicates that the device is currently licensed.
Click the Save icon to save the changes.
Click Save in the Milestone toolbar to save the changes.
To apply licensing changes immediately, click the Run/Process tab at the top left corner.
Click the Run Now icon to commit license changes immediately. Or, if the service is scheduled, the license changes are committed during its next run.
A process run begins with the following screen.
Note: A blinking LED denotes that the stage it represents is in progress. A green LED indicates that the stage is complete. An amber LED denotes that the stage is pending completion and has not started, while a red LED denotes that the stage is disabled.
When the process is completed, all amber lights should be green, and one cannot see blinking LEDs.
Note: To verify that licenses have been assigned, please navigate to the Settings tab and click the License block.
The licenses for the selected cameras are allocated in the picture below. The green font denotes that the cameras are licensed.