Move Camera
Enable the Move Camera option.
Last updated
Enable the Move Camera option.
Last updated
During camera management workflows, administrators may move cameras between recorders to balance traffic, retire certain older infrastructure, or for better organization. With active-active redundant recording, they must repeat these actions manually on the redundant recorders. The purpose of the Move Camera block is to automate the replication of Move camera workflows.
In backup mode, this option automatically moves the cameras between secondary servers when they are moved between primary recorders. In restore mode, it moves cameras on primary recorders, provided the server linking between primary servers is a one-to-one map.
The feature is limited to RMF-licensed cameras.
Click Move.
Note: The RMF system must utilize and manage at least one license. If not, the following screen will appear. Ensure the cameras are properly licensed before proceeding to the next steps.
Step Result: The Move Settings dialog box appears. By default, the Move Camera toggle button is disabled.
Move the toggle button to enable and click the Save icon.
Click Save in the Milestone toolbar to save the changes.